Introduction The trends in project management and operations have shifted in the country. In the late 90s, large projects were typically valued at around INR 500 crores+. Today, mega projects are to the tune of INR 1 lakh crore and above. One could argue that a lot of inflationary factors are involved in the valuation […]
Article in Celerity by Supply Chain Tribe
The following file is a panel discussion where the views of President Nikhil Gurjar are presented. Celerity is among the top supply chain magazines of India ( Shared for the benefit of the readers
Book on Smart Supply Chains 3.0
About the Book We are releasing a new book early next month. Here is a short summary of the book: This book is slated to be a quick reference for people who want to understand the changes in the supply chain management discipline that are going to create a new wave of supply chain paradigms […]
President Nikhil S Gurjar was interviewed by DD Sahyadri on the Stock Market Crash
President Rtn N S Gurjar was interviewed live on the prime-time slot of DD Sahyadri News on 09 March 2020 to discuss about the stock market crash. The details of the talk are given in the description on the Youtube link.
Integrated Modeling and Simulation School of Management Consulting
A brief video on the subject as released by President Rtn N S Gurjar is shown below. The description of the video on YouTube has more details to the concept.
20 Years to 20 Minutes: How ML, AI and ANN need to be leveraged in business
Rtn Nikhil S Gurjar, President of Consulting Connoisseurs, the top management consulting firm, speaks of how organizations end up with faulty implementations of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Neural Network systems and how these need to be corrected procedurally. The most common issues in such implementations is the absence of an understanding of the […]
President Nikhil Gurjar was interviewed by DD Sahyadri on Indo-Brazil Relations
President Nikhil Gurjar was interviewed by DD Sahyadri on Indo-Brazil Relations on 25 Jan 2020. The discussion was largely on the impact and the expectations between the countries in the light of the visit of the Brazilian President to India. The YouTube link is given here
Contemporary Challenges for IT Systems in Supply Chains
Holistic Considerations to Arrest Project Failures
The holistic perspective tells us high level considerations for projects. To implement the solutions, please connect with Consulting Connoisseurs, the best management consulting firm that gives a guarantee proposition to their offerings! Visit for more details.
Personal Branding and Image Management Services Launched
We have launched our range of personal branding and image management services with Asavari Bhavsar joining our folds.